Instructions On How To Start Your Own Blog

The choice of a web host is not a minor one for a business. It's a major point when you build your website, and you have to choose well to ensure that you get the proper quality to your website that your customers expect and deserve.

HostRocket. The opportunity to earn dollars is endless. As you refer more customers to their site, your earnings also increase. In fact, some affiliates even claim that their minimum income from this money-making scheme is $2000 a month. But take note that you will need millions of traffic to materialize this figure.

The hard way includes building one PHP or HTML redirect page per affiliate link. That means you could potentially end up with hundreds of HTML/PHP files in your subdirectory. This makes it difficult to manage or cloak your affiliate links.

You should also consider putting them into your email backend marketing campaign. This way you can follow up on them both offline and online to help further the sale. Here's another tip for profiting in your business.

Consider setting up your own keyword rich domain and install WordPress on it. Host it on GoDaddy, DreamHost or Bluehost. (Goggle owned) is free. Post with strong headlines (benefit/action oriented) 2-3 times weekly, promote (RSS), and increase from there. Keep in mind, top bloggers post 2-3 times a day and more. You can ramp up as necessary.

Verify with Google. You need to verify with Google that you are truly an admin for the domain you are using. There are two options and we are going with the easier of the two, uploading an html file. Copy and paste the string of characters that Google displays for you into an html file and upload onto your site. You then click verify.

The next step is going get more info to the GoDaddy homepage and then purchasing the domain transfer after which you will receive an authorization code from them. From there they will provide you with a link and you will just follow the step by step process. It's that simple.

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